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May 5 Results

Annmari Ingersoll "L-grad"
  1. Introductory Test C, Section A

1st-Maddie Mason & Penny-81.000%
2nd-Kay Pell & Essense-68.250%
3rd-Chloe Doty & Bernie-69.500%

4th-Nancy Thomas & Dollar-67.250%


2. Training Level 1

1st-Kay Pell & Essense-70.217%

2nd-Nancy Thomas & Dollar-67.173%

3rd-Chloe Doty & Bernie-66.086%

4th-Meghan Schrader & Chloe-65.000%


3. Training Level 2

1st-Piper Taliaferro & Mimosa-68.846%

2nd-Meghan Schrader & Chloe-68.653%


4. 1st Level TOC

1st-Mary McConnell & Levado-69.814%


5. Western Dressage TOC

1st-Rachael Harze & SVF Sunn Soldier (Basic 2)-64.130%

2nd-Rachael Harze & SVF Sunn Soldier (Basic 3)-63.000%


6. Intro A

1st-Teagan Niles & Chance-68.437%

2nd-Sierra Nicole Wimer & Famous in Vegas-67.187%

3rd-Jordan Ruth & Dancing Bee-65.937%

4th-Lauren Byrd & When Pigs Fly-64.687%


7. Intro B, Section A

1st-Elizabeth Camacho & Cody-70.000%

2nd-Teagan Niles & Chance-69.375%

3rd-Katelyn Boffi & Kiya-67.812%

4th-Samantha Whysong & SWF Karamel Kid-67.500%

5th-Madison Huber & Mighty Mouse-62.500%


8. Intro B, Section B

1st-Sierra Nicole Wimer & Famous in Vegas-71.875%

2nd-Jordan Ruth & Dancing Bee-71.562%

3rd-Gwen Jukes & Chance-68.437%

4th-Lauren Byrd & When Pigs Fly-58.125%


9. Intro C, Section B

1st-Katelyn Boffi & Kiya-74.750%

2nd-Madison Huber & Mighty Mouse-70.000%

3rd-Samantha Whysong & SWF Karamel Kid-66.500%

4th-Elizabeth Camacho & Cody-66.000%

5th-Teagan Niles & Chance-65.250%



1st-Natalie Wales & Only One (Prelim B)-77.291%

2nd-Natalie Wales & Only One (Training B)-71.590%

3rd-Natalie Wales & Only One (Prelim A)-69.782%


High Score: Kay Pell & Essense-70.217% (Training 1)

Introductory High Score: Maddie Mason & Penny-81.000%

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