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May 19 2019 Results

Aviva Nebesky "L-grad"

1.  Second Level TOC

1st-Tiffany Turley & Rockpointe Twilight (2nd-1) -66.351%
2nd-Madison Miller & Some Kinda Wonderful (2nd-2)-62.439%
3rd-Jessa McCartney & Rush This Moment (2nd-3)-61.785%
4th-Madison Miller & Some Kinda Wonderful (2nd-3)-61.547%

2. Introductory Test A, Section A

1st-Jordan Ruth & Dancing Bee-65.937%
2nd-Lauren Bryd & Formal Pass-62.187%
3rd-Sierra Nicole Wimer & Soldier’s Valor-61.562%
4th-Libby Pumphrey & CL Black Licorice-60.937%

3. Introductory Test B, Section A

1st-Kayla Dixon & Dry Times Hollywood-72.500%
2nd-Jordan Ruth & Dancing Bee-68.437%
3rd-Sierra Nicole Wimer & Soldier’s Valor-63.437%
4th-Lauren Bryd & Formal Pass-60.312%

4. Introductory Test A, Section B

1st-Laura Guillaudeu & Dot’s Dreamdoll-72.500%
2nd-Lori Murray & JEF Sara-67.812%
3rd-Jenny Lamb & Diva Darling-65.312%
4th-Kieran Snow & Dover-60.000%

5. Introductory Test B, Section B

1st-Laura Guillaudeu & Dot’s Dreamdoll-74.687%
2nd-Jenny Lamb & Diva Darling-68.750%
3rd-Lori Murray & JEF Sara-66.250%
4th-Kieran Snow & Dover-60.625%

6. Introductory Test C

1st-Kayla Dixon & Dry Times Hollywood-67.500%


1st-Cathy Sanders & X Max (Intro 2)-72.222%
2nd-Cathy Sanders & X Max (Intro 1)-70.681%

8. USEA Beginner Novice TOC

1st-Morgan Gerald & Fair Play (BN A)-70.277%
2nd-Megan Hopkins & Mr. Goodbar (BN A)-63.888%
3rd-Melissa Gerald & Bay Breeze (BN A)-63.611+%
4th-Carmen Walker & Talk of the Town (BN A)-63.611%
5th-Megan Hopkins & Mr. Goodbar (BN B)-63.000%

9. USEA Novice TOC

1st-Georgia Allen & Lassister (Novice A)-77.619%
2nd-Georgia Allen & Lassister (Novice B)-74.285%

10. Training 1

1st-Jennifer Supinger & Halyujah Gold -62.307%

11. Training 2

1st-Susan Becker & Graystone-65.862%
2nd-Jennifer Supinger & Halyujah Gold-63.793%
3rd-Nancy Mendonca & Danny-63.275%

12. Training 3

1st-Biddie Lowry & Oliver Red Tari-70.172%
2nd-Erin Gormley & Shawnee-67.241%
3rd-Hannah Bowers & Queen of Heirs-64.310%
3rd-Nancy MEndonca & Danny-64.310%

13. First Level TOC

1st-Biddie Lowry & Oliver Red Tari (1st-1)-69.310%
2nd-Erin Gormley & Shawnee (1st-1)-67.413%
3rd-Hannah Bowers & Queen of Heirs (1st-1)-65.862%
4th-Diane Hutchinson & Splash of Glory (1st-3)-63.472%
5th-Diane Hutchinson & Splash of Glory (1st-2)-63.000%
High Score: Biddie Lowry & Oliver Red Tari-70.172%
(excludes intro, wd, and eventing)
Youth High Score: Kayla Dixon & Dry Times Hollywood-72.500%

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